Do you know the best way to burn off a little (or not so little) unplanned indulgence?

Here we go
Start of another week end
The hardest time to stay and track and be healthy
Too many distractions
Then you get to the end of the week end feeling guilty
Feeling you have set your self back
Sometimes that makes it harder to go again at the start of a new week
Easier to abandon it all together
Or really get into the exercise Monday
Punish yourself a little bit
Not much fun but it will make you feel better
Better than feeling that you will never be healthy
And you keep shortening your life
Putting up with sluggishness
And avoiding any clothes that display shape
What if there was an easy way to burn it off?
My advice as coach?
You don’t!
You keep a little bit mindful during the week end
Or you really stay on track during the week
And you enjoy it!
You make sure it’s your favourite thing
Favourite company
Favourite place
You enjoy the experience
Then guilt free
You just move on
Back to what you were doing
It’s called striking a balance
No need to be healthy all the time
That is just a short term plan
I help people to be in the shape and health they want to be in and feeling that goes with that for the long term
Want to make sure you are getting the balance right?
Then reply with your question
Ed (Or you could just sign up for an iron man/women each time you go of track?) Stride.


About the Author Ed Stride

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full lace wigs says 14th August 2019

Thanks a lot for you sharing!It helps me a lot !
Absolutely love it and i am expect more from you.

    Ed Stride says 14th August 2019

    You are very welcome, glad it helped! More will be coming, I blog at the start of each week, feel free to get my free report too, I aim to send my best content three times a week straight to your inbox, it’s always stuff you can apply straight away just like the blog, but more frequently. 🙂

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