Busy mums, do you need some real world solutions to weight loss?

I’m not going to lie Busy Mums have got a few challenges when it comes to losing and shaping…
Just because there is science and a proven way of doing things doesn’t mean it will be right for everybody…
I’m not going to tell you to spend more time preparing food – like batch cook all meals on a Sunday, if you do, not sure how you are doing that and great…
Because there is no time for anything! A solution could be plan roughly what you are going to eat when doing your shopping list or at your weekly shop especially if you are doing this for the little ones already…
If you are the only one in the household trying to lose and shape up and be healthy, I would never advise to cook different meals for you and everyone else and eat at different times and separate places…
The solution is to have meals that can be tweaked for different tastes, for example think roast dinners- which are basically meat and veg, so fine, then you just have smaller portions of the high energy stuff like potatoes and Yorkshire puds…
Or stir fries, again meat and veg, so same plan, go easy on your portions of noodles or rice and sauce if you can and modest oil when preparing…
It would be unrealistic to tell you not to read another magazine story about a Hollywood Mum who gave birth and in the time it took her to sneeze is back in amazing shape and all the pictures on all types of media heaping pressure on you and all women to lose and shape up in record time…
It doesn’t happen the right way fast, plus if you read or watch something that is too good to be true then it probably is!…
Know that each healthy balanced meal you prepare and eat, each time there is exercise regardless of how long, you are taking a step forward and doing lots of those will be taking you somewhere…
Please, ignore that urge to do anything drastic it will set you back in the long run…
And I could tell you to put yourself first more, but I think that’s already pre programmed…
But you are allowed to occasionally do things to make you healthier and happier, others would want that for you too…
I know you have been waiting to get started for a while or push things further…
Like the Mums I help already and I’m seeing it with my small group, when you realise things are happening your motivation will start to increase and it will get easier to keep doing those things that will get you there.
You can do this.
PS If you want some more meal and snack recommendations so you can have some new ideas, be healthy without cooking multiple meals and get an idea of the system I have used with other Busy Mums for two decades, scroll back to the top and enter your email address, you will also get useful infotainment similar to this blog to your inbox and you can easily unsubscribe, I don’t want to keep sending you stuff you don’t want or need.
Thanks for reading,

About the Author Ed Stride

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