So did you get chance to increase your Lose and Shape Up efforts after the children went back to school after the long summer holidays…
Chance to pick back up your gym routine and increase your focus on your lifestyle…
I think we are all firmly focused on getting results before the seasonal Xmas break and then doing our best not to undo our progress at Xmas!…
But your progress has been challenged a little bit by a half term …
So how did you get on after the summer hols…
For me the complete way forward to success is the right regular exercise for you and a nutrition plan that is right for you and fits in with your busy life…
One that you can keep doing…
One based on sensible lifestyle habits rather than low calorie or short term…
I know, you are reading this thinking “I know this, it’s common sense”…
But our mindset is the difference to wether we are getting results or not…
It’s that phrase of, doing the same thing but expecting a different result…
Expecting a new result with an old behaviour and then expecting clothes to fit differently or to look differently…
The problem is in order to create a new habit or do something different, you have to take on a new belief…
It may be to believe that you actually can get the result you want…
Or that although you have increased your exercise you can’t really have more indulgences…
Or the belief that it won’t work for you, because of genetics, age, lack of will power, environment, lack of support, menopause, medical condition or insert other here…
In relation to your belief as to why you have not yet achieved your losing and shaping or health goals, why is that?…
Can you challenge that belief, are you 100% certain that that’s the case?…
It may make things harder, but is it still possible?…
If your child developed a belief that there was something they couldn’t do or it was hard because…
You would want them to challenge that belief, to try and see things differently to take a different course of action…
Well I want that for you too…
You can do this.
If you would like some different ideas for free, scroll back to the top right and enter your email for my top meal and snack recommendations that you can tweak for the whole family so you don’t have to spend time preparing multiple meals, together with a bit about my system that has helped thousands of Busy Mums like you get results, plus I send infotainment tips a few times a week that you can apply and to keep you motivated, you can easily unsubscribe when you decide you don’t want these anymore.
Ed ( I’m adopting the belief if I put crystal maze type challenges in the way of getting a key to open the indulgence cupboard I wouldn’t consume so much at weekends) Stride.