Busy Mums, How To Lose Weight Fast. (What a Weight Loss coach would do).

I get it, there are sometimes we have a reason that we want to lose weight the fastest way possible.
A holiday creeps up on us and we thought we would be in better shape.
A social occasion comes around all too quickly.
That outfit you picked out ready to fit into, doesnt quite fit and there is not much time left.
Like I said, I get it, I really do.
Sometimes you just want to speed things up, get the process moving properly.
Fast track being ready for your holiday, event or just to feel your best in the warm weather.
My system is designed to help you lose weight at a sustainable long term rate, however if I wanted to speed things up, I will share what I would do.
Firstly what I would not do is any thing drastic, any dramatic drop in calories, it won’t actually help you fit better in your clothes and maybe you are not focussed on what happens after the event, but you are setting yourself up to gain loads more weight in the future.
No gimmicks, there are aren’t any that do anything other than give someone doing all the right things a little boost, if that with some of them!
I wouldn’t be exercising more than 5 times a week (I know good to hear, because you haven’t exactly got the time!) the body needs recovery; exercising a lot and low calorie leads to illness or injury – that could ruin a holiday.
So for fast loss here is what I would be doing.
Exercising, especially strength stuff, regularly, if I was short on time, I would keep the exercise sessions short and pretty challenging.
And the most important – food!
I would be aiming for ultra healthy, vegetables and protein would be my friend!
Each meal or snack would be protein and veg.
Very little fat, just a little bit of the healthy ones, really watching portion size.
Very little high energy carbs, I would be relying on vegetables and some fruit for my energy, increasing it instead of the high energy carb variety.
I would be focused on making sure I had a protein source each meal and to hand to stop the hunger pangs.
I would be drinking a good amount of water, watching out for any liquid that had calories.
Little indulgences would be stopped and kept to a minimum, week ends would be treated like week days.
Now this requires a lot of focus, I would contantly be reminding myself why, there would be reminders everwhere, for a holiday for example- screensavers, suitcase out ready, clothes- anything!
Right at the start, I would stand firm on lifestyle decisions, because as soon as a “just this once” scenario comes along, that’s it!
But all this would bring fast results, shape would change rather than the slim and ill look that comes with doing something drastic.
The best thing? Metabolism would stay high, so as soon as you took a more moderated, long term approach, you would still get results although not quite as fast.
The challenge though is getting your self to do it.
If you find even the more moderated version a challenge to stick to…
And if being in shape for the event is that important, then having a coach’s advice would help.
Happy to chat about this, set you on your way, message me.
If you need some actionable tips to get you started straight away, then scroll down and get my free Busy Mum’s guide.
Ed (“Oh no, 2 weeks to go and my shorts won’t even do up!”) Stride.


About the Author Ed Stride

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Ed Stride says 29th August 2018

Thanks for your comment and thanks very much!

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