Busy Mums, answer this question to get weight loss results and stop history repeating itself.

Are you planning to increase the focus of your healthy losing and shaping efforts very shortly?
Are you already thinking of what you need to do?
Although you have enjoyed the summer, are you ready to focus on something that will have big benefits for you?
Do you feel this time you are going to get better results than before…
Or at least quickly get back to feeling more comfortable?
Although when you reach your comfortable point, is that exactly where you want to be or are you settling a bit?
Or in the past do you find yourself with good intentions and then life gets in the way before you have really got started?
Or do you find yourself  making progress, but then it starts to fizzle out?
Or you can get back to a certain point, but never seem to get past it?
Who you like to go further than before?
Would you like to be able to make progress whilst completing everything you usually do on a typical busy day?
Would you like to be able to change a few habits that are stopping your progress?
Well, it all begins before you start, before you start thinking about how you fit exercise back in, or all those habits that will help you get results.
It starts with knowing what you are doing it for.
I can hear you thinking, “well it’s obvious, if I am reading this I want to lose some weight!”
(And if there is niggly muscle/joint/lower back pain you are wanting to ease and get rid of that also along the way or at least do things that are going to help, rather than make it worse.)
But the phrase “I want to lose a bit of weight” may not take you very far.
Life will get in the way at some point as it tends to.
Unforseen things will happen that will get in the way.
Or when there are temptations in front of you, or there is an excuse not to exercise, in trying to stay strong you will say to yourself “But I want to lose a bit of weight”.
Which is unlikely to help.
When ever I start helping someone it is of huge importance to know WHY someone wants to lose weight.
So before starting, figure out exactly WHY do you want to lose weight, what is the REAL reason.
After you get a reason, you may need to repeat the process and ask yourself why again? And maybe again.
Also we are really bad at trying to actually visualise ourselves achieving it in the future, we can easily see it not working and the same things happening over and over.
But allow yourself to visualise the result you want happening, then decide what will be different? What good things are happening? What benefits are there? Are other people seeing you differently or treating you differently or are you seeing yourself differently and behaving differently, how is life different?
Now keep hold of that and keep playing the scenario, start seeing things differently and recall upon your reason when things get harder, when something gives you a reason to stop, when you would have stopped before…
Rather than allow it to derail any kind of progress, now you know exactly what you are going to get if you keep doing what you can.
Knowing and defining what you are really doing it for increases your resolve, makes you feel better and more determined and more likely to keep making progress and for something different to happen this time.
Once you have really decided why you want results, I have designed a 7 steps free guide to help you, 7 things you can start doing now to make progress. Scroll down to get yours (mobile users) You do have to enter your email address, but that allows me to send helpful information that you can action each week like this blog, if for some strange reason you don’t find my stuff really useful, you can unsubscribe in seconds.
Ed (One of my reasons is as well as help and share with you what I know and have learnt over the last two decades plus, I have to make sure that you don’t look at me and think but he’s never eaten a vegetable or done any exercise in his life!) Stride.


About the Author Ed Stride

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