In my free Busy Mum’s Lose and Shape Up Facebook group, I aim to post a tip and a video daily.
Anyway, on Sunday I try and post a light hearted video as no one, me included wants to have Mr P.T going on about healthy lifestyles…
This Sunday just gone I found one about a time travelling dietician.
I know sounds a bit geeky, but hang on…
It begins with a husband and wife in 1979, in a bright green kitchen.
The husband comes in slaps his wife on the bum and sits down to his already cooked breakfast of eggs on toast and steak.
(this was my Dad’s era where apparently the bloke was in charge, the era where the man would come home from work, slap some money on the table and be off to the pub).
As he is just about to tuck in to breakfast there is a bright flash from outside the room and a man walks in…
“Stop, Don’t eat the eggs!!”
“Why not?” The husband and wife reply…
“They have harmful cholesterol in them, linked to illnesses”
“Ok, thank you!’ they reply…
And he leaves…
Then there is a flash again…
‘OK we were wrong about the eggs, apparently there is good and bad cholesterol and it doesn’t count so much if it’s in the food”.
“Maybe just have the egg whites”…
He leaves…
the husband and wife look puzzled…
There is a flash again…
“Don’t eat the Steak, it can give you heart disease!”
The husband and wife are a bit perplexed by now…
He leaves…
There is a flash…
“It’s OK you can have steak occasionally it’s man made, but don’t eat the bread!”…
The nutritionalist looks a bit tired by now…
But the point is, is it any wonder by now we are all confused with all the conflicting messages we get!
What are you supposed to eat and what are you supposed to feed your children?…
Like I have said, its not dynamic or sexy but in my system, I apply a dash of common sense.
Yes, non processed foods tend to be healthier than processed ones.
Portion size is important, some foods should be eaten very occasionally.
Some are OK a few times a week.
Some can be eaten daily but in small portions.
Some a modest portion daily.
Some it’s OK to have bigger portion of certain foods.
Exercising and being active are still very healthy things to do, if you can, some types are more important than others.
But then you probably know what to do.
But if you want results the “doing” bit is the main thing 🙂
Ed (No wonder my Dad chuckled when I said I was visiting after I had finished the hoovering) Stride.
PS: I have 2 eggs six days of the week.
PPS: If you want something to help you get started, scroll down (mobile users) and get my 7 best steps a Busy Mum can start applying right now to get the results she wants.