Unique exercise considerations for Busy Mums.



A big common objective you all have is to lose and shape up...

To feel better, look better, improve health, have more energy, wear the clothes you want...

You know your eating habits are important all though incredibly hard to adhere to or seemingly enough to get a result and exercise is important, all though you really don't like it much...

Exercise for lose and shaping results; that's quite easy, each exercise must use big muscle groups and the heart rate must be elevated through out to burn calories and effect metabolism...

Tailoring it to the needs of a Busy Mum who's body at one time (s) has been through pregnancy and constantly carrying a wriggly load and then the after effects and typical seated/driving lifestyle and then it gets a bit complicated...

I made a video, if you prefer to watch rather than read: https://www.facebook.com/groups/391017311243524/?ref=bookmarks

Although it may be a while ago, you may still be feeling the after effects of pregnancy and how it's changed your posture such as muscle tightness, hips, back, shoulders, neck etc...

During pregnancy as the stomach protrudes forward, the pelvis tilts forward, meaning the muscles of the front hips and lower back tighten as the arch of the back increases and the muscles that stabilise the hips and back get weaker...

And the shoulders start to round forward and the head sits further forward, meaning more load on the lower back, tight front shoulders, upper shoulders and neck...

That means mobility is important for the above list and then there will be another list opposite to all the ones mentioned above that need strengthening to provide support...

The Gluteus of backside, the muscles that stabilise the body including the spine and hips, middle and upper back, muscles that pull the head back...

Lots of carrying on one side has left the body uneven...

But each and every exercise I prescribe has had careful consideration, it contributes to losing and shaping and designed for a body that has gone through pregnancy and child care, wether it's an online programme or a more personalised routine for a small group...

It's totally Busy Mum specific!...

To get a free report of my "lose and shape up system" and some recommendations to get started, enter your details on the right.

You can do this.

Ed (The problem being able to analyse people's posture, means it can happen outside of the right environment, for instance walking behind someone say shopping who you notice has "one side tightness" because their hips slightly go to one side when walking, how would you explain it when they turn around and catch you? "Its OK, I'm not that kind of pervert, I'm a posture pervert"?)Stride.


About the Author Ed Stride

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