One of the first useful things I learnt in helping Busy Mums lose, fit better in their clothes and have more energy was about calories in and calories out…
We all know we put on weight (fat) when we continuously consume more calories than we burn…
And the excess gets stored as the flabby stuff at the rate of 3,500 unused calories to half a kilo of body fat (1lb)…
So common sense tells us to lose, we just have to consume less than we burn…
So if we eat the right amount of calories is doesn’t matter how healthy the food or drink is…
Or does it?…
See I totally agree that 1,000 calories of Coca Cola and 1,000 calories of Broccoli burned in a laboratory would release the same amount of energy…
But things change when you actually consume them…
Coke and Broccoli trigger different responses in the body in relation to metabolism, hormones and lots of other messengers…
The coke will spike blood sugar and insulin leading to increased hunger and fat storage…
Whilst the thousand calories of Broccoli will stabilise blood sugar, make you feel full and increase fat burning…
So whilst they are the exact same number of calories to start off with, they will have a very different effect on the body and your health and ongoing lose and shaping results.
To find out my Busy Mum meal recommendations based on stabilising blood sugar and why its part of a successful system that I have used to help thousands of people lose and shape up over the past 20 years, enter your details below to get your free guide.