It’s not that you don’t know what to do to lose and be in the shape you want to…
Or the health…
Have the energy…
You know you probably need to reduce portion size a bit…
Eat more vegetables…
Exercise consistently enough…
If you did that regularly enough you would make progress…
But knowing isn’t the problem, it’s how do you start and do those things often enough to see change?…
That’s the hard bit…
There are a few distractions along the way…
“Anything else with your coffee?” “Mummy I really can’t eat any more” “Let’s not eat rabbit food again, can’t we have steak and chips?”, it’s thingy bob’s birthday we are all going to that posh Italian” “I baked this cake, want a small slice (slab)” “it’s so late, we still have to eat-takeaway?” and it’s been a long day/week/play date/ let’s face it anything really- “I will poor you a glass or two”…
The things that pop up that can stall progress will pop up all the time…
And the route to success shouldn’t mean becoming a hermit…
But where there are situations at every turn to derail you…
How can you have the right mind set to start and stay on track?…
Well to start, you have to have one great big reason as to why you want to achieve what you do…
“I would like to lose a bit of weight will only take you so far”…
Maybe take that statement and ask yourself “why” five times and see what you come up with…
Where are all the clothes you long to wear again, probably hidden away?…
Then put them somewhere you can’t miss, that you have to see again and again…
Already got a holiday booked?… use a picture of the place as your screen saver…
Set alarms if you need to…
have the reason to lose and shape up so at the front of your mind, that when of those scenarios comes up…
You choose something different or compromise…
“Steak?” “Ok, but I will have a salad with it and just steal a few of your chips, because I know you like that” instead of totally joining in…
Do that and compromise with the different scenarios and before you know it, a different habit has been formed…
And another…
Baby steps is fine, but continue that…
It will then take you somewhere.
If you need help getting started for free, enter your details at the bottom of the page for my family adjustable meal recommendations and my results focussed weight loss system overview.
Ed (its late we should get a take away, oh you’ve already defrosted chicken strips, how handy, bye the way I’ve entered us for this new reality tv show it’s called “bloke swap” thought it would be fun) Stride.