Weight Loss Success, have you got one of these buttons?…

Even if we follow a healthy lifestyle as much as the time as we can…
Eating healthy…
Keeping active…
There are some times we let our guard down and our lifestyle changes a bit…
On holiday…
The christmas period…
If this is occasional and the rest of your lifestyle habits are good, you can usually return back to good shape and health, quite quickly…
However if you have lots of holidays per year or indulge quite heavily each weekend, that is going to make things somewhat harder…
My weekends are a time for me to relax my nutrition habits a little, although with a family holiday coming up I might have to be a bit more careful…
Although motivation wise I will be mostly playing sport with the little ones and getting time to read a few books, rather than strutting around the pool like some demented Peacock…
Indulgences are pretty inevitable, what is important is how quickly after a week end or a holiday, you can press the reset button…
Wether you know the event is coming or wether you have an unplanned indulgence…
In terms of your lifestyle goals, its about what you do next…
Sure, if its unplanned you can feel like you are going backwards, that it seems out of your control…
But its best not to dwell on it, you can’t go back and undo things…
But what is in your control is that you certainly can make a concerted effort to reset and get into habits more aligned with getting the results you desire…
So as we head into the weekend if you plan to relax your nutrition some what or you get, what shall we call it – lead astray…
It becomes so important to get back to good habits as soon as you can…
Part of your success is your resilience.
You can do this.
Ed (Apparently nine out of ten people will be having some kind of food or drink indulgence this week end and the tenth is just hoping no one finds out) Stride.

About the Author Ed Stride

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