I remember first helping people two decades ago…
Back then is was designing exercise programmes and a bit of healthy eating advice…
But I remember knowing I had chosen the right career path, when people who had been following my programme for a bit started getting very pleased when they remeasured themselves on the weighing scales…
Knowing that I had helped them achieve this felt good…
But honestly at that time, I had no idea…
At times when was out of shape, especially when I didn’t know I had an illness that effects metabolism, I would be exercising and trying to eat healthy and apply all the stuff I had learned, but found being out of shape effects your self esteem and leaves you frustrated and not in control which effects other areas of life…
But, once the illness was managed, things got better, so I didn’t endure this for too long…
So I had no idea, what losing and shaping meant to someone who had endured being over weight for a period of time…
I didn’t just help them to feel a little excited at seeing their weight drop a little each time…
I would not be exaggerating to say those that got good results, underwent a quality of life upgrade…
I would not say I am the most confident person by any means, but when you are in reasonable shape, its gives you a boost…
But to witness someone’s entire demeanour change, to see them more confident and comfortable in their own skin…
To see them empowered, for instance before they would berate themselves for indulging, now they could enjoy it, knowing their metabolism was faster and they just needed to get back to good habits soon as they had done this before…
They were now in control…
They didn’t just have more energy, one Mum said before she couldn’t even be bothered to get something upstairs, now her whole productivity had increased, she felt inspired to tackle knew things, try new activities…
My wish is that all of you reading my mails will experience similar to the above and maybe even tell me about it and how I maybe helped, this is my mission…
If you just action the stuff from my mails, then great, if you need additional coaching and accountability, then different programmes will available very, very soon…
But thats why I advise not just focusing on being healthier or weight loss, but what other positive knock on effects would it have.
You can do this.
Ed (Slightly less weird and awkward when in shape) Stride.