Cabbage Soup Anyone?…
No? Well why would you?…
Anyway after the hot weather of the last few weeks, it’s gone a bit autumnal …
More proof that the summer holidays are about to end…
If you have been a frustrated busy mum looking to get back to losing and shaping, it’s almost time…
Do you have a specific plan to get results?…
Or are you just resolving that this time you are just going to be better at being consistent and giving in to less temptations?…
I’m sure you have tried many things in the past and maybe some worked for the short term…
In the weight loss industry there are many groups preying on those whose inability to lose make them feel sad, frustrated, lost and or stressed and who are looking for an easy solution…
So they make bold claims to draw you in such as: “eat as much as you like, lose weight”, “a flat stomach in just 1 minute” and even “control insulin levels, decrease blood sugar, speed metabolism, lower bad cholesterol, burn body fat and suppress appetite”…
The last one sounds good and if they were talking about a complete lifestyle solution then great but it’s actually just a cinnamon supplement…
Results like that don’t come from doing one thing…
It’s a lifestyle thing and ultimately it has to fit in with you…
Some preparation may be involved, but I’m never going to tell a busy Mum, to batch cook for the week and place your five meals for the day in neat little tuper wares…
You would quite rightly tell me where to go!
My specific advice for someone who is as busy as you is focus on portion size and use your hands to measure (previous mail)
Look at what you are eating and drinking now and think how could I could I take the next baby step to making it better…
The research that’s happening with stabilising blood sugar we knew about how important it is for diabetes control and prevention, new research is linking it to Alzheimer’s too, more proof of health benefits…
The problem is there is too much “Weight Loss fluff”…
To be transparent yes I do this to provide for my family, but I will always seek for anyone I help to get them the result they desire…
It’s why my products and services have money back guarantees, that cinnamon advert drew me in to be honest and I looked but they didn’t guarantee anything.
If you need something to get you started and making progress, enter your details on the top right for my free report and regular actionable and useful updates.
You can do this.
Ed (I think I know why the cinnamon company didn’t employ me for their marketing – how about “Cinnamon Supplement, it is healthier than sugar, but won’t change your life dramatically on its own, but will taste nice if you have a sweet tooth and like cinnamon” -fluff free!) Stride.