What I did at the week end stopped me losing weight, do you do this too?

Photo by bruce mars from Pexels
I realised not long ago, that although I was doing what I tell you to do…
Whilst I was being a coach.
When I stopped being a coach. (Most of the week end).
I would do my best to completely un do all the good things.
Meaning for all the efforts and disciplines of the week…
It was all cancelled out at the week end.
Which was fine for a while, but then I decided I wanted to see and feel improvement.
Are you ok with staying the same at the moment or are you wishing for change?
Now my week end wasn’t starting until Saturday afternoon, so it didn’t give me much chance to undo good work.
So I reckon it was pretty commendable that I was!
When does your week end start?
Does it start at the traditional start of the week end or do you like to get in early? 😉
Yes, Friday night counts as early!
Is it currently important though to start changing things around?
For me it was obvious that I needed to change what I did at the week end.
Is that an obvious one for you?
Do you have other obvious things you can do too?
It was clear to me, that allthough time wise it was a good balance, what I did in that limited time was enough to keep me stuck.
And for me it was time to adjust things.
Can you relate?
What is your balance like?
Do your week ends (or any other time) keep you stuck?
If you know that losing and shaping would make you feel better in yourself and have more energy, mobility, less achey and stiff…
What has stopped you doing anything up to now?
If you need something to get you started, scroll down to get my free guide, steps the busiest Mums can take to start making progress now.
Ed (So Ed, you only relax your lifestyle habits for just over 24 hours, you don’t drink 95% of the time and you are very disciplined the whole week, to undo it must of taken some doing? Yes, it did and thank you) Stride.

About the Author Ed Stride

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