Apart from the science, there is one key simple factor of a weight loss plan for it to work… Watch the video to find out!
Continue reading The process of losing weight and changing shape… For something to get you started now, scroll down to get a free guide of my best steps to start making progress. You will need to enter your email address so I know where to send it, but I won’t share your details and will only […]
Continue readingNow, when you are in the right mindset things happen… You manage to fit in exercise, with the best level of effort you can. You are very mindful of what you eat. If you have a plan you stick to it. I am sure this makes you feel good and it will feel like you […]
Continue readingI don’t use the term Personal Trainer to describe myself and my role anymore, I have progressed to a specialist coach working with a specific population and solving thier problem of losing weight, whilst dealing with and helping with any niggly (or not so niggly) joint or back problems along the way. What is the […]
Continue readingSo the children are back to school, its been a great summer, we had the heat wave of July. I bet you have enjoyed the extra time you got to spend with your children. (most of it :)) Now it’s likely you might get a bit more time to yourself. You probably haven’t been able […]
Continue readingAre you a Busy Mum who has always struggled with weight loss? Do you feel that sometimes you find yourself accepting it with statements like; “This is just how I am”, “It’s genetic” “I am big boned”, “I have a slow metabolism” “As soon as I eat it, it’s on my hips!” Throughout history have […]
Continue readingWill you be returning back to an exercise routine next month? After a nice long summer and being able to spend time with the family will you be aiming to make weight loss progress? Get your metabolism firing again or sort out back and joint problems? Are you feeling though, that you might need to do […]
Continue readingNext month things settle down and you will get chance to work towards those losing/shaping and health results you want. After a long time of not getting chance, to be able to focus a little bit on yourself. Do you feel you are worried that first exercise routine will be challenging? That what you were […]
Continue readingI am aware you may have tried many plans to lose weight and be happier and healthier before. With a lot of plans it is the fact they are too rigid that causes you to stop. I am very aware that having enough time is a particular challenge of yours and your health and weight […]
Continue readingHere we are deep into the summer. Are you finding trying to maintain any kind of healthy lifestyle a bit of a challenge during the long summer? Do you feel either you will just aim to do what you can or there is too much much going on and you will just have a re […]
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