Tag Archives for " weight loss over 40s "

Going to the gym but not losing weight, this could be why…

It’s pretty well known that there are two things required to bring you down to a healthy level of body fat and to maintain as well. Talking to people in the gym at the moment they are pretty good at one of them. The exercise bit. Which is great and delivers numerous health benefits. But […]

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How those over 40 can be in their best shape and have amazing health in 2019.

https://www.facebook.com/edstridept/videos/2180285472236108/ Here is a video I made especially for the over 40’s (being over 40 myself) 🙂 Motivation and some actionable tips to go for it in 2019!  

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Read this for motivation for over 40’s to achieve your healthy weight loss goals in 2019!

Taking the necessary action will be what seperates those that get results and those that don’t. And I want you to get those results in 2019! First, you really need to know why you are doing it! What is the most important thing you want to achieve this year? Why is that so important? On […]

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How to enjoy the festive season but be ahead in January!

https://www.facebook.com/edstridept/videos/2157572157905620/ Here is a little video I made a few weeks a go and it’s not too late! Here is how to get a head start for the healthy lifestyle, to be ahead in January!

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“If I knew that’s all it took (to lose weight) I would have started earlier!”

https://www.facebook.com/edstridept/videos/266811510648653/ The title of this post is what all those I help say when they start making progress… Sometimes there is resistance at the beginning. Can be a belief issue to work through, or thinking about what they have to give up or thinking a lot more things are involved to get results… But in […]

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Could this be why you are not getting the results you want?

Those I see at the commercial gym I still help a few people at, who also read my blog say… “I like your posts, they make me think…” Which is great, but I also want to know what level of action you are at to make sure you are doing the right things… Yes I […]

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Why any Exercise Class that claims it’s going to chisel the abs and sculpt the bum is false advertising!

In the studio I run my lose and shape up small group from… It is shared with people running other classes… And on the board are adverts and leaflets. I had set up my group and was early waiting for those to turn up. So, I started looking at these leaflets… One in particular triggered […]

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