Tag Archives for " weight loss over 35 "

Weight loss tips you can learn from my visit to the Kebab House.

Yes that is not a spelling mistake in the title… I will set the scene… It was a Sunday night, me and Mrs Ed had talked about going for a roast at the end of our Sunday together (child free)… Now Sunday is a day I don’t have to be health focused. In fact I […]

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You are not failing at weight loss! Watch this to find out why!

https://www.facebook.com/edstridept/videos/352828638809104/ If you have reached a weight loss plateu or things have stayed the same for a while. Maybe you are not sure what to do next… Maybe you have lost your focus. Either way you are not failing. Watch the video to find out why and how you can build on that to make […]

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Why having your favourite indulgences is actually key to getting weight loss results! Video.

https://www.facebook.com/edstridept/videos/351837392296699/ It sounds like a complete contradiction, but in this video I tell you why actually having your favourite indulgences is key to getting the long term results you want!      

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Watch this and then you will never have to go on a diet again!

https://www.facebook.com/edstridept/videos/320813631983057/ To lose weight to feel better, to feel healthier, to feel more youthful basically involves one fundamental principle… All the diets seem so different in what you have to do, the food you have to eat, the different methods involved… But they are based on this one thing – watch the video to find […]

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Video! Is this an even bigger reason than Weight Loss for maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle?

https://www.facebook.com/edstridept/videos/538938633236429/ In this video, after surveying all my clients, this came out as one of the biggest reasons to follow a healthy lifestyle. And something I look forward to helping you with and producing tips and content on in the future!  

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Video. The obesity epidemic is being blamed on one food. (According to a recent article). Let me set the record straight!

https://www.facebook.com/edstridept/videos/558430624606104/ In a recent newspaper (one known for printing unbelievable health stories to sell a few more papers). The obsetity epedemic was being blamed on one particular food. Watch the video to find out why that is never the case!

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To be healthier, lose weight, feel and look younger you could go on a low calorie diet for the rest of your life, or just do this…

I have a confession… I should probably be a lot fatter than I am, to be honest. That isn’t my confession, but it’s linked. Here it goes… I am a huge peanut butter addict. There, it’s out. There is a jar of it right now in my work bag ( and a fork, I’m not […]

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Video! If you are not getting Weight Loss Results, it will come down to this!

https://www.facebook.com/edstridept/videos/285882692257888/ In this video, if you are not getting weight loss results, then this is what it comes down to! For 7 steps that you can start doing from now and for ongoing helpful tips, get your free guide below.

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