More bank holidays coming up… Maybe the weather will be nice enough to enjoy it outside? How are you spending it? Maybe with friends and family? What are the chances there will be food and drink? Ever done that thing where your intention is to keep it quite healthy… And the complete opposite happens! Either […]
Continue readingThose I see at the commercial gym I still help a few people at, who also read my blog say… “I like your posts, they make me think…” Which is great, but I also want to know what level of action you are at to make sure you are doing the right things… Yes I […]
Continue readingI don’t use the term Personal Trainer to describe myself and my role anymore, I have progressed to a specialist coach working with a specific population and solving thier problem of losing weight, whilst dealing with and helping with any niggly (or not so niggly) joint or back problems along the way. What is the […]
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