Tag Archives for " vitality "

You don’t need exercise to lose weight and feel more youthful…

Firstly, it is true, if your single goal is weight loss then you can achieve that through watching what you eat. The title of the post was said to me by someone who was going to a weight loss group. Who also said… “I tried spinning before, it did not work!” Where weight loss is concerned […]

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Video! How to get started and losing your first Lbs…

https://www.facebook.com/edstridept/videos/311083116159631/ It’s not the right information you need, you can google that! I understand you know what to do, the problem is getting yourself to do the things you need to do! And regularly enough, so that it leads to progress. So in this video, here are some things that you can start doing now, […]

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Video. How exercise gives you Youthful Vitality.

https://www.facebook.com/edstridept/videos/191812665049164/ Quick Fire (kind of) reasons to do exercise for youthful vitality… Why it helps for weight loss… Posture… Even healthy youthful skin… Metabolism… And more!

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Things that make you feel you have way more youthful vitality than your actual age. (How would you rate yourself).

In one of my recent posts I talked about the metabolic age. A measurement of all the components of the human body that burn calories. The result is best on a typical average for that age. Like I said good if your metabolic age is younger than your actual age, great!… Not so good if […]

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Video. How do you feel more Youthful?

https://www.facebook.com/edstridept/videos/2240547056226987/ Lifestyle habits to feel more youthful.

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“What is my metabolic age?” “Yes it’s less than my actual age!”

There is a fancy measuring machine in the gym I work with a few clients at… It looks like an arcade machine, but you step aboard it (with no socks on)… And it takes 14 different measurements. Including weight, body fat, water, muscle weight, visceral fat (intra abdominal fat) and loads more… But what is the […]

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Video! Is this an even bigger reason than Weight Loss for maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle?

https://www.facebook.com/edstridept/videos/538938633236429/ In this video, after surveying all my clients, this came out as one of the biggest reasons to follow a healthy lifestyle. And something I look forward to helping you with and producing tips and content on in the future!  

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Why any Exercise Class that claims it’s going to chisel the abs and sculpt the bum is false advertising!

In the studio I run my lose and shape up small group from… It is shared with people running other classes… And on the board are adverts and leaflets. I had set up my group and was early waiting for those to turn up. So, I started looking at these leaflets… One in particular triggered […]

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