Here we go Start of another week end The hardest time to stay and track and be healthy Too many distractions Then you get to the end of the week end feeling guilty Feeling you have set your self back Sometimes that makes it harder to go again at the start of a new week […]
Continue readingI’m sure most people on meeting me can tell My standards are not always that high I have to confess I’m not that good at attention to detail Which actually creates a great environment for a healthy lifestlye Have you ever thought realistically you only had chance to exercise once during a week and so […]
Continue reading(Image by adamkontor) It’s a popular time for it Good weather School holidays coming up looking forward to it relaxing for a bit change of scenary If those I help are taking a holiday Or at least a break I have them set a realistic post holiday goal Be in the same shape Or not to […]
Continue readingWhat is your verdict on your own metabolism? Is it working for you? Or against you? If the latter… Why do you think that is? Have you always had a slow metabolism? Has it slowed with age? (I know mine has). Medical condition? (Me too 🙂 Too many faddy or low calorie diets over the years? […]
Continue readingMore bank holidays coming up… Maybe the weather will be nice enough to enjoy it outside? How are you spending it? Maybe with friends and family? What are the chances there will be food and drink? Ever done that thing where your intention is to keep it quite healthy… And the complete opposite happens! Either […]
Continue readingSomething keeping a lot of people stuck and frustrated is thinking you have to be perfect all the time… That for exercise to work you have to be able to give it your all energy wise, always be doing the right things, never any less… When it comes to your food choices, it has […]
Continue reading One thing that stops people taking the necessary action is that they over estimate what they will have to do to get the result they want. They are put off by thinking they will only be able to eat nothing but salads and having to scrape themselves off the floor after a punishing exercise […]
Continue readingIf you exercise a few times a week… Or try and be active… Then that is amazing. It will have health benefits and you will feel better after each session… For those I see in the gym and as I advise in these posts to aim for at least 2 sessions a week minimim. Which […]
Continue reading In this video I demonstrate a challenging lower body exercise that you can do anywhere with no equipment needed! PS It will play after a minute of me messing about – it was live! Especially works the backside muscles (glutes) and back of upper thigh (hamstrings) and core muscles. Create to include in a […]
Continue readingMy favourite actor back in the day was Will Smith. I really liked a film called “Bad boys”… Back in the mid 90’s a typical silly buddy buddy cop movie… With the usual action, banter and stupidity. He was being interviewed not so long ago about how to be successful. I was expecting […]
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