Tag Archives for " Mum’s weight loss "

New Video! The best weight loss plan is…

https://www.facebook.com/ed.stride/videos/2031886126862240/ Apart from the science, there is one key simple factor of a weight loss plan for it to work… Watch the video to find out!

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Losing Weight & Changing Shape, taking you through making progress…

https://www.facebook.com/ed.stride/videos/2023665574350962/ The process of losing weight and changing shape… For something to get you started now, scroll down to get a free guide of my best steps to start making progress. You will need to enter your email address so I know where to send it, but I won’t share your details and will only […]

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Read this to find out the key to Weight Loss & Shape Change Results…

Now, when you are in the right mindset things happen… You manage to fit in exercise, with the best level of effort you can. You are very mindful of what you eat. If you have a plan you stick to it. I am sure this makes you feel good and it will feel like you […]

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Busy Mum, once you know the reason you are not losing weight is down to one thing, you can change it!

Are you a Busy Mum who has always struggled with weight loss? Do you feel that sometimes you find yourself accepting it with statements like; “This is just how I am”, “It’s genetic” “I am big boned”, “I have a slow metabolism” “As soon as I eat it, it’s on my hips!” Throughout history have […]

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How to make more Weight Loss & Shape Changing progress than ever before.

Next month things settle down and you will get chance to work towards those losing/shaping and health results you want. After a long time of not getting chance, to be able to focus a little bit on yourself. Do you feel you are worried that first exercise routine will be challenging? That what you were […]

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What I did at the week end stopped me losing weight, do you do this too?

Photo by bruce mars from Pexels I realised not long ago, that although I was doing what I tell you to do… Whilst I was being a coach. When I stopped being a coach. (Most of the week end). I would do my best to completely un do all the good things. Meaning for all […]

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Busy Mums, the good thing about trying to lose weight…

If I asked you what the toughest time of the year to lose weight and improve was… I bet you would say the school summer holidays or the summer in general. There is a lot of stuff going on. Which makes starting something or making more progress very hard. There isn’t anytime for more planning […]

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Busy Mum; Instantly feel less stuck about your weight loss.

As a Busy mum, do you find you have even less time at the moment? Have you suddenly become entertaininments and activities manager for your little ones? Or and have you found the number of social invitations have increased? BBQ’s ect?… Or Holidays and trips? Getting lead astray amongst even more temptations? Has this left […]

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Do this to aviod the negative comparison mind set for Weight Loss results.

My vacuuming was interupted one Saturday afternoon a few weeks ago. (I know celebrities are jealous of my lifestyle). The two little uns (who are 10 and 11) wanted to know how they could do a home bleep test. Do you remember the bleep test from PE? A tape that bleeps and the bleeps get […]

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Busy Mum, why you havent got lasting weight loss results yet (and why it’s not your fault!).

    There are lots of ways out there to lose weight, change shape and be healthier. If they have a few fundamentals they will work. In principle. If the person can follow what is involved for long enough to get a result. But if the plan can only be successful if the person has […]

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