Tag Archives for " metabolism "

How to enjoy your holiday and not put on weight.

(Image by adamkontor) It’s a popular time for it Good weather School holidays coming up looking forward to it relaxing for a bit change of scenary If those I help are taking a holiday Or at least a break I have them set a realistic post holiday goal Be in the same shape Or not to […]

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Are you a 40+ something maximising their exercise time?

If you lead an active lifestyle then that is really healthy… Even if you just aim for a high number of steps each day… Next level though is to maximise your exercise time… Are you currently getting the most out of your exercise time? Do you change things up every 4-6 weeks… Or have you […]

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Can you make your Metabolism work for you?

What is your verdict on your own metabolism? Is it working for you? Or against you? If the latter… Why do you think that is? Have you always had a slow metabolism? Has it slowed with age? (I know mine has). Medical condition? (Me too 🙂 Too many faddy or low calorie diets over the years? […]

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What is the best way to keep burning more Calories?

Since I was little, I have always been aware of being a little bit different, shall we say. Do you remember those last days of school before breaking up for a holiday of some kind? You could bring games in. My class mates would be there excitedly playing Twister or Connect Four or Operation (remember […]

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Video! Metabolisms! If yours has slowed (like mine) what you can do about it to get the results you want.

https://www.facebook.com/edstridept/videos/2061720217228724/ After a not that serious illness my metabolism slowed pretty much over night… Plus now being the wrong side of 40, staying in shape is not as easy as before. But it is still posible! In this video, I explain how mine changed and despite that what I do and coach those that I […]

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You don’t need exercise to lose weight and feel more youthful…

Firstly, it is true, if your single goal is weight loss then you can achieve that through watching what you eat. The title of the post was said to me by someone who was going to a weight loss group. Who also said… “I tried spinning before, it did not work!” Where weight loss is concerned […]

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