Tag Archives for " How to lose weight "

I’m only eating a 1,000 calories a day why aren’t I losing weight?

image by Steve Buissinne on Pixabay. This is a statement I hear loads! I mean it’s good in a way, that the person saying it is stating they know the process… Put in less calories than you burn to get results. And if you are only consuming 1,000 calories then it’s going to work, right? […]

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What is the best way to keep burning more Calories?

Since I was little, I have always been aware of being a little bit different, shall we say. Do you remember those last days of school before breaking up for a holiday of some kind? You could bring games in. My class mates would be there excitedly playing Twister or Connect Four or Operation (remember […]

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Going to the gym but not losing weight, this could be why…

It’s pretty well known that there are two things required to bring you down to a healthy level of body fat and to maintain as well. Talking to people in the gym at the moment they are pretty good at one of them. The exercise bit. Which is great and delivers numerous health benefits. But […]

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Video! How to get good at losing weight and having great health.

https://www.facebook.com/edstridept/videos/285835008706264/ If you find losing weight a challenge, then this video is for you. By the way, during making the video it takes a picture, this one is slightly unfortunate, don’t worry, when you press play, you will get some healthy lifestyle tips, not me auditioning for a cockney muscial 🙂    

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Watch this and then you will never have to go on a diet again!

https://www.facebook.com/edstridept/videos/320813631983057/ To lose weight to feel better, to feel healthier, to feel more youthful basically involves one fundamental principle… All the diets seem so different in what you have to do, the food you have to eat, the different methods involved… But they are based on this one thing – watch the video to find […]

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Video. The obesity epidemic is being blamed on one food. (According to a recent article). Let me set the record straight!

https://www.facebook.com/edstridept/videos/558430624606104/ In a recent newspaper (one known for printing unbelievable health stories to sell a few more papers). The obsetity epedemic was being blamed on one particular food. Watch the video to find out why that is never the case!

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Video! If you are not getting Weight Loss Results, it will come down to this!

https://www.facebook.com/edstridept/videos/285882692257888/ In this video, if you are not getting weight loss results, then this is what it comes down to! For 7 steps that you can start doing from now and for ongoing helpful tips, get your free guide below.

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How my healthy lifestyle objectives have changed since I was in my 20’s. (Do you relate?)

I don’t know about you, but when I was in my twenties, the main thing I focused on with my healthy lifestyle was to look good to feel good. My lifestyle had health gains too, but healthy was just a nice by product. Don’t get me wrong, even now I am in my early forties (when […]

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Busy Mum, do this to get the same great losing and shaping results as all of those I have coached. (It’s not as hard as you think!).

As a coach, THE single most important thing I want for you is to get the result you want. What ever those amazing benefits you want to get, I want to help you get them. Wether you chose to work with me or not.  (If you just actioned any tips from my posts, you would get […]

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How to win biggest loser of the week…

Of course if you are wanting to know if your weight loss plan is working… You weigh yourself. Have you ever been doing the right things for a good period of time? Been better than usual? Even saying no to a social occasion or when offered a very tempting food or drink, when usually you would […]

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