If you lead an active lifestyle then that is really healthy… Even if you just aim for a high number of steps each day… Next level though is to maximise your exercise time… Are you currently getting the most out of your exercise time? Do you change things up every 4-6 weeks… Or have you […]
Continue readingI don’t know if you remember some posts of mine from a while ago… About me saying that at 40+… That being super lean and ripped as it’s called… Isn’t a goal of mine… Not to mention that at 40+ what is necessary to maintain that isn’t much fun… No room for any thing other […]
Continue readingMore bank holidays coming up… Maybe the weather will be nice enough to enjoy it outside? How are you spending it? Maybe with friends and family? What are the chances there will be food and drink? Ever done that thing where your intention is to keep it quite healthy… And the complete opposite happens! Either […]
Continue readinghttps://www.facebook.com/edstridept/videos/1068966146624382/ One thing that stops people taking the necessary action is that they over estimate what they will have to do to get the result they want. They are put off by thinking they will only be able to eat nothing but salads and having to scrape themselves off the floor after a punishing exercise […]
Continue readinghttps://www.facebook.com/edstridept/videos/304334036877390/ There is only one way to fail! And the good news is, you are in complete control of it! Watch the video to find out. To start taking action now and feel the excitement of making real progress get my free over 40 somethings guide to being in great shape and having amazing health: https://loseandshapeupexpert.com/optin/
Continue readinghttps://www.facebook.com/edstridept/videos/1212358048933267/ In this video I share two key things you need to be set up and heading for success if you are an over 40 something wanting to be in great shape and have amazing health! For a free guide for the over 40’s to take actionable steps to make progress straight away, head […]
Continue readingNot long ago I was asking myself the question of how can I help people more. I realised the best way was to specialise a bit. I can help people with strength training, gaining muscle, but that’s more about looking good rather than health and it’s typically those younger than myself… Training for performance is another […]
Continue readingSince I was little, I have always been aware of being a little bit different, shall we say. Do you remember those last days of school before breaking up for a holiday of some kind? You could bring games in. My class mates would be there excitedly playing Twister or Connect Four or Operation (remember […]
Continue readingMy favourite actor back in the day was Will Smith. I really liked a film called “Bad boys”… Back in the mid 90’s a typical silly buddy buddy cop movie… With the usual action, banter and stupidity. He was being interviewed not so long ago about how to be successful. I was expecting […]
Continue readinghttps://www.facebook.com/edstridept/videos/539569626563918/ I specialise in high calorie burn, low impact exercise sessions. Perfect for the other 40’s who want to burn calories and be in great shape for their age but who have joints that might have a little wear shall we say 🙂 This is one of those exercises! The problem with these type of […]
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