In this video I demonstrate a challenging lower body exercise that you can do anywhere with no equipment needed! PS It will play after a minute of me messing about – it was live! Especially works the backside muscles (glutes) and back of upper thigh (hamstrings) and core muscles. Create to include in a […]
Continue readingIn one of my recent posts I talked about the metabolic age. A measurement of all the components of the human body that burn calories. The result is best on a typical average for that age. Like I said good if your metabolic age is younger than your actual age, great!… Not so good if […]
Continue readingThere is a fancy measuring machine in the gym I work with a few clients at… It looks like an arcade machine, but you step aboard it (with no socks on)… And it takes 14 different measurements. Including weight, body fat, water, muscle weight, visceral fat (intra abdominal fat) and loads more… But what is the […]
Continue reading In a recent newspaper (one known for printing unbelievable health stories to sell a few more papers). The obsetity epedemic was being blamed on one particular food. Watch the video to find out why that is never the case!
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