Tag Archives for " flat stomach "

Why Exercise alone won’t help you tone your abs, sculpt your bum, make your legs lean or shape your arms- its called false advertising!!!

https://www.facebook.com/ed.stride/videos/2035668573150662/ I have been seeing exercise adverts for ages, gadgets on sales channels, programmes and in the studio I run my group out of, a misleading exercise class advert … I will be honest, it triggered me a little bit, it’s telling those that want to get results the wrong message, I want someone to […]

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Getting Rid Of The Paunch

So my main mission is to help you get the results you want… To try and help you steer clear of those who want to sell you the quick fix and make claims that by science just can’t be delivered not for longer than the very short term anyway. And yes, to be transparrent this […]

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The Best Stomach Exercise.

So if you have been reading my stuff for a while you will know I think Abdominal exercises for weight loss are very over rated. In fact its scientifically proven. I see people doing stomach exercise after stomach exercise and they don’t do what people think they do. That being said there are some good […]

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