If you exercise a few times a week… Or try and be active… Then that is amazing. It will have health benefits and you will feel better after each session… For those I see in the gym and as I advise in these posts to aim for at least 2 sessions a week minimim. Which […]
Continue readingI am sure if your goal is to get down to a weight or even better a body fat weight. And don’t get me wrong it’s great to have goals. It’s also great to give those goals deadlines as it creates more urgency. Now I use measurements when I help those I coach. And it […]
Continue readingFirstly, it is true, if your single goal is weight loss then you can achieve that through watching what you eat. The title of the post was said to me by someone who was going to a weight loss group. Who also said… “I tried spinning before, it did not work!” Where weight loss is concerned […]
Continue readingIn one of my recent posts I talked about the metabolic age. A measurement of all the components of the human body that burn calories. The result is best on a typical average for that age. Like I said good if your metabolic age is younger than your actual age, great!… Not so good if […]
Continue readingI have a confession… I should probably be a lot fatter than I am, to be honest. That isn’t my confession, but it’s linked. Here it goes… I am a huge peanut butter addict. There, it’s out. There is a jar of it right now in my work bag ( and a fork, I’m not […]
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