At the moment I’m having those I’m helping focus on one big thing to keep making progress What is your focus on, currently? Lots of things? Maybe step back to see if any of those things are responsible for helping you make progress Because it’s so easy to get bogged down in the details Which […]
Continue readingHere comes another week end… Was it a week of some healthy habits?… Watching what you ate… Exercising a few times?… A good number of steps each day?… In the blink of an eye it could so easily be undone at the week end… Might be one of those week ends, where it starts with […]
Continue readingI don’t know if you remember some posts of mine from a while ago… About me saying that at 40+… That being super lean and ripped as it’s called… Isn’t a goal of mine… Not to mention that at 40+ what is necessary to maintain that isn’t much fun… No room for any thing other […]
Continue readingWhat is your verdict on your own metabolism? Is it working for you? Or against you? If the latter… Why do you think that is? Have you always had a slow metabolism? Has it slowed with age? (I know mine has). Medical condition? (Me too 🙂 Too many faddy or low calorie diets over the years? […]
Continue readingSo if you were to think about what you need to do to get results, what would your answer be? Is it the right time to do it? Is it the right course of action? Are there many courses of action you could take? Does thinking about the right course of action leave you feeling […]
Continue readingWhen you do an exercise session, you feel good, especially if you think a lot of calories have been burned. In fact I have heard people say “I will burn it off…” “Doing all that exercise, I bet you burn it off” is something said to me a bit. “I exercise so I can eat […]
Continue readingNot long ago I was asking myself the question of how can I help people more. I realised the best way was to specialise a bit. I can help people with strength training, gaining muscle, but that’s more about looking good rather than health and it’s typically those younger than myself… Training for performance is another […]
Continue reading In this video I demonstrate a challenging lower body exercise that you can do anywhere with no equipment needed! PS It will play after a minute of me messing about – it was live! Especially works the backside muscles (glutes) and back of upper thigh (hamstrings) and core muscles. Create to include in a […]
Continue reading The weight loss / healthy lifestyle industry can be a confusing place. Companies can get you to part with your hard earned money based on using words that don’t mean what you think they mean. Knowing which weight loss associated words you need to be aware of can save you a lot of time, […]
Continue readingMy favourite actor back in the day was Will Smith. I really liked a film called “Bad boys”… Back in the mid 90’s a typical silly buddy buddy cop movie… With the usual action, banter and stupidity. He was being interviewed not so long ago about how to be successful. I was expecting […]
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