Here we go Start of another week end The hardest time to stay and track and be healthy Too many distractions Then you get to the end of the week end feeling guilty Feeling you have set your self back Sometimes that makes it harder to go again at the start of a new week […]
Continue readingHere comes another week end… Was it a week of some healthy habits?… Watching what you ate… Exercising a few times?… A good number of steps each day?… In the blink of an eye it could so easily be undone at the week end… Might be one of those week ends, where it starts with […]
Continue readingI don’t know if you remember some posts of mine from a while ago… About me saying that at 40+… That being super lean and ripped as it’s called… Isn’t a goal of mine… Not to mention that at 40+ what is necessary to maintain that isn’t much fun… No room for any thing other […]
Continue readingThis was the headline on news papers and the news on TV recently. Findings that for most of us our eating plans are unhealthy and lacking in various nutrients. Sometimes people who exercise think that gives them a liscense to eat badly. On the flip side those that exercise are also more likely to try […]
Continue reading In this video I share two key things you need to be set up and heading for success if you are an over 40 something wanting to be in great shape and have amazing health! For a free guide for the over 40’s to take actionable steps to make progress straight away, head […]
Continue readingNot long ago I was asking myself the question of how can I help people more. I realised the best way was to specialise a bit. I can help people with strength training, gaining muscle, but that’s more about looking good rather than health and it’s typically those younger than myself… Training for performance is another […]
Continue readingSince I was little, I have always been aware of being a little bit different, shall we say. Do you remember those last days of school before breaking up for a holiday of some kind? You could bring games in. My class mates would be there excitedly playing Twister or Connect Four or Operation (remember […]
Continue readingI don’t know about you, but I love going on holiday. Seeing a different country or place. Slowing down the pace of life for a bit. Better climate (usually). Food! (and drink if that’s your thing). I even get a day of leave to do my camera hobby. But notice in my list I didn’t […]
Continue reading As a coach I notice there is a fine line between those getting results and those who are struggling. Watch the video to find out and how you can easily change it! 🙂 🙂
Continue readingNot that long ago, I thought to be looked up to as a fitness coach… I needed to be the example. That people needed to believe that all I ate was chicken and broccoli and nothing but healthy bland food. That I lived like a bit of a monk. Actually some people still believe that […]
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