In any conversations with a Mum its usually top of the list when it comes to objectives…
“I would feel so much better if I could lose my mummy tummy, it really never shifts”…
Like I said its a big priority…
And age and hormonal changes do tend to make things harder for a Mum…
And time, lets not forget time!…
And yes stomach exercises are part of my Lose and Shape Up System…
But not for the reasons you think…
Doing stomach exercises like crunches have nearly zero effect on flattening and losing a Mummy tummy…
go back and read that again…
Why are they in there then?…
Well actually stomach exercises, in fact core exercises (any muscle which has the job of supporting and holding the body in place) are included in my exercise system (the shape bit)…
Specific core exercises, designed to switch back on muscles for instance that support your pelvis and lower back, that have been weakened since child birth…
weakened wether the child is young enough that it needs help feeding itself or old enough that you only see them once a month when they drive round to see you…
In fact these exercises are so important I have those I help do them first in the exercise session, not last like we did in the olden days…
But they are important for that reason and that reason only, so no need to risk your already weakened lower back doing endless crunches at the gym or various classes or to go with your diet…
But they do fit into my lose and shape up system as one of the components, a system designed especially over 20+ years now to help Busy Mums lose (mummy tummy included) and shape and feel a whole lot better by focussing on making it a lifestyle, not a short term thing, whilst you are busy helping everyone else, someone needs to look out for you.
To get my guide of the 7 most effective steps a busy mum with no time can take to lose and shape up, scroll down and use to get started!