I had a feeling this would happen…
The”what are we supposed to eat to lose and shape up” industry is a confusing one…
Bit cynical of me, but I think some people like that to help sell their products…
And the media jumps in and we get loads of different messages…
Lots of people claiming their plan or different way of doing things is the right way…
Without jumping on my high horse…
My view is to give you the truth from trusted sources (those impartial) and learnings…
So rewind back in time and the weight loss message was “eat low fat” based on calorie counting and fat being high in calories (which is true)…
Fast forward to more recent times and as predicted Low Carb has taken over…
Carbs are seen as bad, because they can have an effect on fat storing hormones (also true)…
I don’t know why but people jump in and assign themselves to one camp or the other…
Almost tribal…
Which tribe are you?…
Or just too busy looking after your own “tribe” to have time to care…
So let’s explain it…
From now on their is no need to either declare low fat or low carb is right…
They are both good and not so good…
What do you mean I’m not helping?…
We know trans fats (a manufactured fat), and Sugar (the most simple form of carbohydrate) are the ones to moderate and we don’t need much saturated fat either…
Will I be having a bit at the week end though? Oh yes!
So the key is: to make sure you are including the right Carbs and the right fats!…
Veggies are a carb, here is a secret I don’t even like them! but I have them because I know how healthy they are, our youngest and I remember my sister can eat things like sprouts raw and that’s just not right!…
And in moderation there are healthy fats, found in fish, nuts and some of the healthy oils…
So there we go, hopefully that has debunked that little myth…
The easy bit is knowing, the hard bit is being able to make it a habit though!
Of course you can reply if you need help, or download your free “7 steps a Busy Mum with no time can apply from today to lose weight” guide by scrolling down.
Ed (If I have any use in life, its being willing to and understanding stuff that everyone finds as interesting as cardboard and then sorting through the faff to be able to tell you what actually works).