See, I know you are currently on the tomorrow weight loss plan, which incorporates the tomorrow eating plan and the tomorrow exercise plan, meaning they all start tomorrow!
But in your selflessness, you currently always put everyone else needs before your own, you find your wants and needs very hard to make a priority, but getting results is something you desperately want.
When it comes down to it, you are fed up with not feeling yourself, feeling uncomfortable, clothes not fitting right, feeling sluggish all the time, have that anxious feeling anytime you hear health issues mentioned, get aching joints that you know would subside if you were carrying less body fat, or maybe you have gathered up the sheer determination and found the time to start something, but with everything going on and with the number of obstacles in your path, it's no surprise you find yourself back at square one each time, plus you are faced with numerous diets that all promise some kind of amazing result that sounds (and probably is) too good to be true or just seem too complicated or require so much of your time - time you haven't got!