When we are focused on achieving a result, there is a danger of over-focusing on the measuring process…
Like weighing ourselves every day or for health measuring blood pressure every day…
And when the numbers don’t change or seem to fluctuate in the wrong direction…
It causes unnecessary demotivation…
hydration is the biggest content on the weighing scales we are measuring and it fluctuates, getting anxious over blood pressure figures, is probably responsible for increasing blood pressure…
What if we could get the results we want accidentally?
It’s great when my clients tell me, ” I wanted to lose weight primarily, which I have done, but my fitness is better, I am more stable and my back isn’t as tight”…
These were by-products along the way that may have been less important goals, but were achieved as a result.
So if you find yourself getting frustrated with the endless measuring, change your focus somewhat…
Strive to just have less foods that contain sugar and bad fat for a month or so to get you started…
Aim to improve your energy and monitor how you feel by consistently doing short exercise routines where you can and aiming to find opportunity to be more active…
Just try decreasing alcohol, maybe a glass or two at week ends only…
If some of the above lifestyle elements sound difficult, focus on what triggers eating or drinking things you didn’t intend to and ask your self if you felt better or worse after, if worse than your goal is to deal with the trigger and increasing awareness and trying a different response…
Or take up a new class or activity, this can inspire you to improve lifestyle along the way…
Getting results accidentally…
Just by taking a step back slightly and focussing on other elements that help with your main objective.
Ed ( The Lose and Shape Up Expert).