We are going straight in with today’s post!…
I believe the main reason anyone is able to maintain a shape they are happy with for the long term is balance…
What I like to call the balance between fun and healthy…
To be able to eat healthy and indulge to the point where they are happy with their shape and their lifestyle making it maintainable…
But and i’m sure you know this if you like to frequently indulge but you long to be in shape – then something has got to give!…
You have to find the balance that is right for you…
Take magazine covers featuring very in shape people, firstly there is this software that edits photo’s 🙂 and secondly a bet a lot of effort and social sacrifice went into getting ready for the day of the shoot and I wouldn’t mind betting a big blow out happened after!
If you have not already found it, then its finding out the right balance for you…
Yes for others, it may be a different balance, they may get away with more but I really wouldn’t spend too much time dwelling on that if I were you!…
Yes as a Busy Mum its tougher for you, being in reasonable shape does take a little bit of thought and planning, but here is the thing…
By the way, if you want something you can apply straight away scroll down to get your free “7 steps a Busy mum can take to Lose Weight and Change Shape” guide and start getting results now!
Only at the beginning!…
I’m sure you are amazing at thinking and planning for others, by a little bit of the same for you, it will seem another thing to think of in your busy day at first and you will have to remind yourself to do it at first, but keep trying and eventually it will just be like cleaning your teeth, you will do it subconsciously…
Realistically and don’t think about when you can start, apply those habit changes as soon as you can, give them long enough to work, persevere…
Eventually you will reach the same crossroads and have to ask yourself are you happy with the balance or need to work out how you can go further…
But you have to be honest are you happy leading the lifestyle you are leading and the shape you are in?…
Or are you dissatisfied currently, worried about health, then its time to make some changes that fit in with your busy lifestyle…
Reply if you have a question in the comments and I will do my best to help.
By the way, if you want something you can apply straight away scroll down to get your free “7 steps a Busy mum can take to Lose Weight and Change Shape” guide and start getting results now!
Ed (Its a bit sad but waking up on a Saturday getting a mood boost thinking later on that day what nutritional naughtiness is going to be indulged in) Stride.