Busy Mums, when it comes to weight loss, do numbers make you happy?

I will let you into a quick little secret…
I use numbers to weigh people, fancy machines that tell me a lot more than just how much people weigh…
The only reason I use numbers is so I can measure change, to tell in the short term if the numbers are going in the right direction which is hard otherwise…
Because other wise, I’m one of those naive people (the children run rings around me) where you could say “yeah Ed I measured all my food out, my other half tried to feed me this cream bun and I resisted saying my body is a temple etc”…
And I would be nodding along exclaiming “that’s great, well done you!”…
The I’d look at the numbers and then I’d start to doubt my own lifestyle science- measuring, body a temple then how do I explain these numbers?…
Despite leading incredibly busy lives the numbers help me see if those that I directly help are doing what they said they were going to and were willing to do…
An Accountability tool…
But do I want you dwelling on a number or set of numbers to feel better about yourself or happier?..
NO! Definitely not!…
Don’t get me wrong it’s a great feeling to see the numbers going in the right way…
After my thyroid problems when I felt I had no control it was great to see the numbers changing for the better…
The numbers changing allows you to see the progress you are making, sometimes we can physically feel the difference, but we need the numbers to confirm it…
But there are something’s you can’t put a number on, you will know when you get there because you will just reach an aesthetic goal that feels right to you, regardless of the numbers…
Being healthy, confident, strong and in control of everything…
Achievable with a system or set of habits that doesn’t involve high impact exercise or restrictive diets…
So let the right numbers tell you that you are making progress or need to do something different…
But to feel confident in your own skin,  to like what you see in the mirror, to have vitality, to keep up with your children, if you get to a point where you feel differently about yourself, your life can change.
Which can’t be measured with a number.

About the Author Ed Stride

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